
Colorado’s largest sea buckthorn tree farm

“Our roots in regenerative agriculture run deep at Farm49. Female-farmer founded, our mission is to create a space for plants, people, and animals to explore what it means to heal and regenerate.”

Sea Buckthorn Health Benefits

Sea buckthorn berries are incredibly beneficial to our health due to their rich nutritional profile and numerous medicinal properties. These small yet vibrant orange berries are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and beneficial fatty acids that contribute to overall health and well-being.

Powerful Antioxidants

Anti-aging Properties

Rare source of Omega 7

Changing the world is possible

The way we take care of Mother Earth is the way Mother Earth takes care of us.

At Farm49, we believe that rescuing animals is a compassionate and ethical endeavor that promotes the well-being of individual animals, contributes to the conservation of species and ecosystems, strengthens human-animal bonds, and fosters a culture of empathy and respect for all living beings.

Our Animal Sanctuary

Life is everything

— Nadia Artman

Let’s meet up in real life to share our love for Mother Earth and our animals.

Sign up to be the first to know about our events or volunteer at the farm!